Special Collections


In addition to the many materials available in the library, several unique special collections are available to Trinity. The Ed Vander Weele Curriculum Center & Alexander De Jong Center for Special Education support the Education Department. The Dutch Heritage Center preserves the history of the Dutch in the Chicago area. The DeKruyter collection displays a portion of founder Arthur DeKruyter’s pastoral library while the College Archives house documentary records related to the history of Trinity.

Housed together on the second floor of the library (Room 202), the Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) & Center for Special Education (CSPED) seek to support the Education Department by providing educational materials for the use of our teachers in training.

The Curriculum Center houses a variety of educational resources with a strong emphasis on juvenile literature and curricular textbooks. Founded in 1986 in memory of Ed Vander Weele, the initial chair of the Education Department at Trinity, this collection continues to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of our education students.


  • K-12 textbooks
  • Professional education books about Common Core, classroom activities, etc.
  • A selection of children’s and young adult (YA) titles
  • Math manipulatives
  • Ellison Roll Model Machine, including capital letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and assorted graphics

The Alexander De Jong Center for Special Education provides access to a wide range of adaptive equipment, technology, and kits specifically geared to prepare current and future teachers to develop fully the God-given potential of individuals with special needs. The Center began in 2004 as a joint venture between the College and Elim Christian Services and named in honor of Trinity’s first president (1966-1968). More information on the goals and vision for the Center are available on the Special Education department website.

Flexible furniture and accessible materials
Furnishings in the room can be moved to accommodate multiple groups or a large group of up to 20 people. Double-sided whiteboards can be spread out for interactive collaboration or latched together as a room divider. Whether a class is in session or a group is holding a meeting, all are welcome to come into the space to access available resources.

The Van Namen Dutch Heritage Center is located on the second floor of the library (Rm. 201B).

Founded in 1981, the purpose of the Center is to preserve materials of historical value related to the culture, customs, and institutions of Dutch heritage in the greater Chicago area. The collection is intended to be a foundational research base for scholars in the history of the Dutch people in Chicago while promoting a better understanding of Chicago-Dutch relationships.

The Center is open by appointment to any interested party, including scholars, students, and the public. No fees are charged for research use of the collection. For further information or to set up an appointment, contact the Library Director by calling 708.239.4797.

What type of material does the center contain?

The wide-ranging collection primarily consists of immigrant newspapers, church and school records, and society minutes and records. More personal items consist of family histories, business records, early letters, photographs, and Dutch family Bibles. The bulk of materials covers the years 1925 to 1955.

Of note, the Jo Ann Hofstra Stob Collection includes family records and photos for the Hofstra and Stob families and their relatives. This collection also documents the history of the Hofstra Bakery, located in Roseland, IL. The links below are scans of selected documents, guides, photo albums, and artifacts in the collection:

The DeKruyter Collection houses books donated from the collection of Reverend Arthur DeKruyter. A portion of the collection resides on the second floor of the library as part of the Dutch Heritage Center (Rm. 201); remaining titles are integrated within the general collection.

Rev. DeKruyter was the chairman of the committee that led to the founding of the Trinity Christian College Association, later serving as president of Trinity’s Board of Trustees from 1956 to 1961. He was also the founding pastor at Christ Church of Oak Brook.

The DeKruyter Collection is open to the public by appointment only. For further information or to set up an appointment, contact the Library Director by calling 708.239.4797.

In 1959, Dr. Seerveld became one of the first five professors at the newly chartered Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. Here, he founded and shaped the Philosophy Department, but also taught German language courses and was vigorous in setting the curricular and perspectival direction of the new college. During thirteen years at Trinty, Cal was a powerful faculty voice in shaping a distinctive curriculum that advocated parallel development of rigorous scholarship and a deep spirituality and faith in God that was personal, but also communal, social, and academic. His perspective, teaching, and emphases on wide cultural and social awareness, engagement, and spirited dialogue were always rooted in the foundation and power of Christian faith in Yahweh-God.

The links below provide access to a variety of contributions through interviews, videos, writings, and books Dr. Seerveld published throughout his years of teaching, mentoring, and publishing.

Calvin Seerveld Biography with a focus on his impact at Trinity Christian College.


  • A November 2023 interview with Calvin Seerveld, Trinity President, Aaron Kuecker, and Trinity Board of Trustees Chair, Cal Tameling.
  • A November 2023 conversation between Calvin Seerveld and Trinity Board of Trustees Chair and former student of Dr. Seerveld, Cal Tameling.
  • Calvin Seerveld reads a section from his translations of Ecclesiastes “God Picks Up the Pieces.
  • A collection of videos created by Calvin Seerveld that cover a broad range of topics and personal reflections.


The College Archives house documentary records related to the history of Trinity Christian College and are located on the second floor of the library adjacent to the Van Namen Dutch Heritage Center (Rm. 201A).

The archives are closed to the public. For further information or to set up an appointment, contact the Library Director by calling 708.239.4797.