Earn Network & Learn


What if your business could make a lifetime impact and investment in the life of a student by helping them keep off burdensome student debt while saving resources in hiring, training, and retention?

By participating in the Earn, Network, and Learn (ENL) Program, you invest in your company, your community’s flourishing, and a new generation’s financial wellbeing!


The Earn, Network, Learn (ENL) program engages mutually beneficial partnerships with local employers so that students are able to get connected with work-based opportunities to Earn money to fund their education, build their professional Networks, and Learn through meaningful, hands-on experience.

Here are 3 different ENL opportunities for students and businesses:

  • Cooperative Learning (Co-op)
  • Community Alliance Program Micro-Internship (CAP)
  • Empower First Summer Program

Why is ENL good for students?

  • Early work experience is shown to accelerate learning and create better equity outcomes
  • The opportunity to reduce student load debt helps students graduate with a healthier financial outlook

Why is ENL good for employers?

  • Expand the reach of your company’s impact by investing in the lives of students and reducing the adverse impact of student loan debt
  • Support potential employment funnels through a low-risk program and have first pick at great talent

How does ENL work?

  • Companies interview and select students from a pool of candidates.
  • Companies can work with the same students for one or multiple semesters
  • Students receive in-program support from a site supervisor & Trinity to help them succeed in their placements


Email ENL@trnty.edu for more information.


“Working at Northwestern Mutual was an excellent learning experience and allowed me to confirm my interests when perusing a career in the future.

Over the course of this internship, I was able to meet great mentors, learn how to plan wonderful events, and interact with lots of different areas of work I had never been able to prior. It was extremely rewarding to plan the COI event….and I know I will continue to use those skills in the future. The advice and mentorship I received from my supervisor have been truly invaluable throughout this semester.”

– Emma

“Being a part of the Co-op at Ozinga Bros. has been a beneficial experience that has enabled me to understand the dynamics of office life by exposing me to an amicable professional environment where I have experienced holistic growth.

….I am confident that the knowledge, skills, and insights I’ve gained will help shape my future to a positive end.  Working under the [wing and guidance of my supervisors] has been a great learning curve.  I am forever grateful for their advice and support….  The company’s excellent environment and my supervisors’ compassion have made my co-op a delightful and rewarding experience.”


“Being able to grow in my writing and editing skills through this internship has been a dream come true as someone who hopes to one day be a well-published author.  Working for a non-profit also aligned with my goals and values as I hope to be the founder of my own non-profit one day.  This opportunity has given me the courage I need to chase my dreams, and I appreciate [my supervisor] taking the time to mentor me.  This will always be an experience I look favorably on. I will miss working with the team [now that the internship has concluded], but I know that Streetwise will continue to do amazing things.”
