Biology Above and Beyond

Biedron ’94 Returns to Campus to Discuss Creation and Collaboration
As humans, it is our nature to try to separate out Creation. But according to Sandra Biedron ’94, research professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico, “There is only one model of the universe.”

Mark Your Calendars for OPUS 2022
OPUS, Trinity’s annual festival of student scholarship, is taking place on Wednesday, April 20. The word “opus” is Latin for work. Whether it’s the arts and humanities, natural and applied sciences, or social sciences, students from all disciplines can present their work or attend this annual celebratory conference.

98 Percent of the Class of 2021 Are Employed or in Grad School
According to data from Trinity’s Cooper Center for Vocation and Career Development, 97.7 percent of the graduates in the Class of 2021 are employed or in graduate school. That far surpasses the nationwide average of 82.4 percent.

Congratulations to Fall 2021 Dean’s List Students
The Dean’s List is Trinity Christian College’s highest academic honor. Congratulations to all our undergraduate students who met this distinction for the Fall 2021 semester.

Carlson Writes about the Gift of Advising for Christian Scholar’s Review
Academic advising can be challenging and exhausting. But Professor of Biology Clay Carlson loves it. Because Trinity’s once-a-semester Advising Days are where students share their stories. Carlson recently explained why he views serving as an academic advisor as a privilege in a blog post for Christian Scholars Review.

U.S. News Names Trinity a Top 20 School
The life-changing value of a Trinity education has once again been recognized by U.S. New and World Report, which named Trinity to several of its “best” lists for 2022, including among the Top 20 Regional Colleges Midwest and #15 for social mobility.

Trinity Alums Publish in Peer-Reviewed Journal
The research, published in the journal PLOS One, was conducted during their time at Trinity under the guidance of Prof. Clay Carlson. Their work makes a connection between a beneficial probiotic and changes in the brain.

Brown and Van Dyke Awarded Founders’ Scholarships
Trinity is pleased to announce our most recent Founders’ Scholars for the incoming class of 2025, Tyren Brown of Upper Marlboro, Md., and Kara Van Dyke of Fishers, Ind. Brown plans to major in biology and play basketball at the College.

Alumni Success Story: Amy (Bulthuis) Huckstep ‘09
After graduating from Trinity, Huckstep went on to receive her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She found that Trinity prepared her well for further education, specifically by being challenged academically. “The professors at Trinity taught me to problem solve and learn the concepts to the right answers instead of just memorizing them,” Huckstep said.

Barz ’21 Named Trinity’s Lincoln Laureate
Trinity is pleased to announce that Ross Barz ‘21 has been named Trinity’s 2020 Lincoln Laureate. Barz will be honored in a virtual ceremony by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Barz is a biochemistry and molecular biology major.

Trinity Ranked Among Top 25 of Best Colleges
Continuing a years-long tradition of excellence and recognition, Trinity Christian College has been named among the “Best Midwestern Regional Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report for 2021. Trinity was also named a “Best Value” college and a “Top Performer on Social Mobility.”

Boomsma Among Staff and Professors Recognized for Service
As part of our annual spring tradition, faculty and Staff were honored for their service, including Biology Professor Bob Boomsma, who has served Trinity for 35 years.

Schrotenboer Quoted in “Christianity Today”
Recent shelter-in-place requirements offer the opportunity to get to know our own backyardw, according to Associate Professor of Biology Abbie Schrotenboer, Ph.D., in a recent interview with “Christianity Today.”

VanMaanen ’12 Talks about How Trinity Prepared him for Medical School, Contracting Coronavirus
For Dr. Jesse VanMaanen ’12, a surgery resident at the University of South Dakota, the coronavirus pandemic isn’t just a workplace issue—he is currently in isolation after having contracted the illness during a rotation at Chicago’s John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County.

Trinity Students Present at NCUR in Atlanta
Eight Trinity students, along with Prof. Clay Carlson, took a road trip from Palos Heights to suburban Atlanta last month to present their science and music research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR).

Carlson Publishes Banner Article on Faith and Science
In his piece, Carlson describes the devastating effects of the widespread rejection of climate science.

Learn More about Dr. Schrotenboer’s Research Interests
Learn more about Dr. Schrotenboer’s research.

Learn More about Dr. Boomsma’s Research Interests
Learn more about Dr. Boomsma’s research.
Trinity Students Accepted to National Conference for Undergraduate
With topics spanning biology, racial attitudes, autism, ethics, and more, 12 Trinity students and alumni were selected to present their work at the prestigious National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at the University of Memphis from April 6-8, 2017. Learn more about the NCUR presentations.
Students Participate in Cadaver Class
The class, Biol 210 Cadaver Dissection, represents a rare chance for undergraduate students to work with cadavers, according to Dr. Robert Boomsma ’77, professor of biology and department chair. “It’s a great opportunity for students,” he said. Learn more about this unique student experience.