Criminal Justice Above and Beyond

Mark Your Calendars for OPUS 2022
OPUS, Trinity’s annual festival of student scholarship, is taking place on Wednesday, April 20. The word “opus” is Latin for work. Whether it’s the arts and humanities, natural and applied sciences, or social sciences, students from all disciplines can present their work or attend this annual celebratory conference.

Tenure Lecture of Dr. Dennis Connelly
Join us for the tenure lecture of Dr. Dennis Connelly, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. Tenure lectures are a celebration of the mature Christian scholarship of our faculty colleagues.

98 Percent of the Class of 2021 Are Employed or in Grad School
According to data from Trinity’s Cooper Center for Vocation and Career Development, 97.7 percent of the graduates in the Class of 2021 are employed or in graduate school. That far surpasses the nationwide average of 82.4 percent.

Congratulations to Fall 2021 Dean’s List Students
The Dean’s List is Trinity Christian College’s highest academic honor. Congratulations to all our undergraduate students who met this distinction for the Fall 2021 semester.

Alum Visits Criminal Justice Class with K9
Luke Weston ’18 recently visited Trinity with his K-9 dog Hudson, to talk about his experiences and answer questions from students. Weston, a detective with the Kane County (Ill.) Sheriff’s Office, visited a criminal justice class and provided a demonstration with Hudson, a Dutch shepherd.

U.S. News Names Trinity a Top 20 School
The life-changing value of a Trinity education has once again been recognized by U.S. New and World Report, which named Trinity to several of its “best” lists for 2022, including among the Top 20 Regional Colleges Midwest and #15 for social mobility.

Trinity Ranked Among Top 25 of Best Colleges
Continuing a years-long tradition of excellence and recognition, Trinity Christian College has been named among the “Best Midwestern Regional Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report for 2021. Trinity was also named a “Best Value” college and a “Top Performer on Social Mobility.”

Trinity Hosts Second Restorative Justice Conference
Trinity hosted the Restorative Justice and Practice in a Fragmented World conference on October 6, sponsored by the Criminal Justice Department and funded by the Andrew Elliott Rusticus Foundation.

Dr. Connelly Featured on CNN
When a Trinity student wanted to skip class for the Cubs’ World Series parade, Dr. Connelly’s response made national news.

Nate Smith ’16 Graduates from Chicago Police Academy
Congratulations to Nate Smith ’16, on his graduation from the Chicago Police Department Training Academy and his assignment as a probationary officer to the 007 District.