M.A. Curriculum and Instruction Above and Beyond

Education Department Newsletter – March 2022
Welcome to the first ever edition of Trinity’s Education Department Newsletter. We are excited about this debut and thankful to the faculty and staff who made this possible.

Trinity’s Special Education Programs Recognized as Top 10 Value
The College is pleased to see the value of our undergraduate and graduate degrees in special education recognized by Grad Degree Search, including among the Top 10 in the Great Lakes Region.

Dr. Powell Receives Emeritus Status at December Commencement
Trinity bids farewell to Dr. Patti Powell , Professor of Special Education and Director of the LBS I Graduate Program in Special Education, who retired in December and received emeritus status.
Trinity Professors Reach Milestones
We celebrate with the Trinity faculty who have recently reached career milestones with promotions and the granting of tenure.
Trinity Professors Reach Milestones
We celebrate with the Trinity faculty who have recently reached career milestones with promotions and the granting of tenure.
Trinity Professors Reach Milestones
We celebrate with the Trinity faculty who have recently reached career milestones with promotions and the granting of tenure.
Trinity Professors Reach Milestones
We celebrate with the Trinity faculty who have recently reached career milestones with promotions and the granting of tenure.