Education Department Newletter - September 2022

Message From Assistant Professor

The start of the school year is such an exciting time! Harry K. Wong, an award-winning teacher, a new teacher advocate, and the co-author of First Days of School has often said, “The most important day of a person’s education is the first day of school, not graduation day.” I like to think this is true for the first day of school…every year.
To our graduate students, I hope your classes are off to a great start and that you are managing your schedule. Most of you are teaching full time and also enrolled in one of our graduate programs as a student. I know from experience this can be very hard to manage. You’ve got this.
To our undergraduate traditional and adult students, I hope you have had the chance to get into or continue your work at a school to start your field experience hours. Field experience is our signature pedagogy. There is no better way for you to learn about student engagement, assessment, curriculum, differentiation, and so much more than from those that model these things day and in and day out in their teaching practices.
To our student teachers, I hope your experiences in your placements so far have been positive and encouraging. I know you may feel overwhelmed, but enjoy this time and soak it all in. There may not be another time in the trajectory of your career in the field of education where you can learn the art of teaching from someone else so intimately and closely.
To our alumni, thanks for representing Trinity’s teacher education program so well. We are thankful for you and are confident you are serving with excellence in education in your classrooms, schools, districts, offices, or wherever you are.
Have a wonderful school year!
Dr. Kelly Lenarz, Ed.D.
Dean of Education │ Associate Professor
Faculty Accomplishments

Sara Baillie Gorman, Professor of Education/ Director of Education Operations, was recently interviewed by WORLD (Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth) regarding the current shortage of Special Education teachers. Professor Baillie Gorman addressed the impact of the shortage on teachers, as well as the role of Christian teachers in special education.
To learn more, please read the article “Experts warn about teacher shortages in special education” here or listen to the podcast here.
Well done, Professor Baillie-Gorman!
Student Teaching Orientation

On Monday, August 22, 2022, we welcomed nearly 30 student teachers to campus for their Fall 2022 Student Teaching Orientation. The students were also able to connect with their college supervisors for a brief meet and greet.
We are confident that these students will make a tremendous impact in the classrooms this fall and we look forward to celebrating their experiences.

Adivising Day/Fall 2022 Connections Education Event

Advising Day and our Fall 2022 Connections Education Event are both held on October 26th.
Education students will be expected to attend the following:
- Your Specific Group Advising Session
- Your advisor meeting with your Advisor
The Connections Education Event

Mark your Calendars…
And be sure to attend the Connections Education Event and meet with schools/organizations looking to hire teachers, substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, classroom aides, translators, afterschool program leaders, academic tutors, peer buddies, and more.
You will find great opportunities to gain “Trinity Wednesday” experience(s) with these organizations.
Trinity Wednesday Experience

Great opportunity to gain Trinity Wednesday Experience.
Classroom Helper
Southwest Cook County Cooperative Association for Special Education (SWCCCASE) has partnered with Trinity Christian College to offer paid Classroom Helper positions.
This position is part -time, 4 hours (10 am – 2 pm), $15/hr. Students will choose the day(s) they are able to work.
Apply online at (under Employment- Support Staff/Classroom Helper).
Please email Diane Gallik, Administrator at

Professional Development Series

Are you looking for a Full-time, Part-time, Internship, Volunteer, or Summer Job? Take a look at our systems linked below for access to job opportunities!
Full-time Teaching and Education related positions can be found on the Handshake system.
Part-time, full-time, internship and volunteer education related opportunities can be found on your Brightspace – Education Unit Home Site – Job Board.

If you have a story to tell or an opportunity to share, please email
We’d love to hear from you.

2022 – 2023
Oct 26: Advising Day/Fall 2022 Connections Education Event
Dec 9: Student Teacher Commissioning Reception
Jan 4: Adult Program Orientation
Jan 9: Spring 2023 Student Teaching Orientation
Mar 15: Advising Day/Spring 2022 Connections Education Event
Apr 25: Young Authors Reception
Apr 26: Young Authors Festival
April 28: Student Teacher Commissioning Reception