Young Authors Festival featuring Laura Martin

The Education department is excited to host our 2023 Young Authors Reception on April 25 and the Festival on April 26th in the Ozinga Chapel. The festival brings together a children’s author, over 250 elementary school students, thirty or so Education students, and celebrates writing for and by kids.
We are thrilled to announce this year’s author, Laura Martin. She has several upper elementary adventure novels published by HarperCollins including the Edge of Extinction series, Float, Hoax for Hire, Glitch, Float, The Monster Missions, and Vanishing Act. Her most recent book, Glitch, was shortlisted for the Bluestem award.
But what is most exciting about Laura Martin is that when she was a young elementary school child, she came to Trinity Young Authors Festival. She is our first young author who grew up into an adult author!
We welcome the college community, friends and families to join us at the Young Authors Reception (April 25th at 6:30p) for a wonderful evening, as our author gives a short talk about how to write stories, and then the Trinprov team will turn some of the stories by kids into short hilarious skits. Reception to follow.
Martin’s books will be available for purchase and to be signed at the reception.
Please contact the Education department with any questions at