Social Work Above and Beyond

9th Annual Psychology Renewed Conference
Trinity’s Counseling and Psychology and Social Work Departments are pleased to present the Ninth Annual Psychology Renewed Conference. Attendees to the conference will explore Conceptual Dialectical Behavior Therapy and how it can be used to treat emotional dysregulation.

98 Percent of the Class of 2021 Are Employed or in Grad School
According to data from Trinity’s Cooper Center for Vocation and Career Development, 97.7 percent of the graduates in the Class of 2021 are employed or in graduate school. That far surpasses the nationwide average of 82.4 percent.

Congratulations to Fall 2021 Dean’s List Students
The Dean’s List is Trinity Christian College’s highest academic honor. Congratulations to all our undergraduate students who met this distinction for the Fall 2021 semester.

Alumni Success Story: Rachel Reule ’15
When looking at colleges as a high school student, Rachel Reule ’15 had a good idea of what she was looking for. And Trinity met those criteria. She also knew she wanted to go into a helping profession of some sort, and Trinity’s Bachelor of Social Work degree answered that need, too.

Trinity Launches Social Work Program Designed for Adult Students
The world needs social workers, and Trinity is pleased to announce the Spring 2022 launch of a Bachelor of Social Work degree geared towards adult students and taking place entirely online.

Alumni Success Story: Lucky Collins ’17
When Lucky Collins ’17 first enrolled at Trinity, she brought a unique perspective as a working adult, wife, and mother of two small children. Now, her career has brought her back to the Trinity community, as Administrative Coordinator of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work, which is headquartered on campus.

Welcoming the Newest Members of Social Work Honor Society
Trinity’s Social Work Department welcomed the newest members of the College’s Phi Xi Chapter of Phi Alpha Honor Society. Congratulations to the social work majors who were inducted!

Trinity Ranked Among Top 25 of Best Colleges
Continuing a years-long tradition of excellence and recognition, Trinity Christian College has been named among the “Best Midwestern Regional Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report for 2021. Trinity was also named a “Best Value” college and a “Top Performer on Social Mobility.”

Trinity Welcomes North American Christians in Social Work to Campus
Trinity Christian College and the North American Christians in Social Work (NACSW) are pleased to announce a new memorandum of understanding to mark the co-location of NACSW’s corporate headquarters on Trinity’s campus, effective June 1, 2020.

Alumni Success Story: Sarah Irvine ‘13
Becoming an impactful social worker and talented children’s book author are just two ways that Sarah Irvine ’13 grew during her time at Trinity. More importantly, her relationship with God deepened through worship opportunities on campus and her soccer team.

Bretzlaff-Holstein Discusses Humane Education on Podcast
In a podcast for the Humane Education Coalition, Dr. Cini Bretzlaff-Holstein discussed the interconnectedness of social justice, human rights issues, the natural living world, and animal rights, among other topics.

Bretzlaff-Holstein Named Fellow at Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Prof. Cini Bretzlaff-Holstein, chair of Trinity’s Social Work department, has been named a fellow at The Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, which is committed to putting ethical concerns for animals on the intellectual agenda.

Trinity Ranked Among Top 10 BSW Programs in Illinois
Trinity is proud to be named one of the top 10 Bachelor of Social Work programs in the state of Illinois by

Lissette Lopez ‘12 Is Making a Difference with Cook County Sheriff’s Department
For the past five years, Lissette has been able to use her social work degree at the Cook County Sheriff’s Department.

Advocacy in Action–Social Work Students Visit Springfield
As part of a yearly tradition for Trinity’s Social Work Department, a group of students, faculty, and practitioners visited the state capitol in Springfield, Ill., for the National Association of Social Workers-IL Chapter Advocacy Day on April 3, 2019.

Trinity Inducts Newest Phi Alpha Chapter Members
Trinity’s Social Work Department recently welcomed the newest inductees to the College’s Phi Xi Chapter of Phi Alpha.

2018 Advocacy Day
Experiential learning at its finest! Our professors and 18 students from our Social Work program took part in the 2018 Advocacy Day in Springfield, IL on Wednesday, April 11.

Trinity Launches Phi Alpha Chapter
Trinity Christian College’s newly formed chapter of Phi Alpha, the national honor society for social work, inducted its first members on April 7, 2016.