All the world's a stage

Box Office

Thank you for visiting the online theatre box office at Trinity Christian College.  We are happy to offer multiple methods of purchasing tickets to Trinity performances.  To pay by cash or check, please contact the Trinity box office by phone or email.   For special arrangements or questions, please contact the box office at (708) 293-4537 or




For more information about a performance and to get tickets, please click on the name of the production.

Join us for the annual All God’s Children event, featuring Trinity’s music ensembles, at 4:00 p.m. on February 15th in the Ozinga Chapel Auditorium.

The Theatre Program is hosting its mainstage production of Lost Girl by Kimberly Belflower, will perform on April 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12.

The Theatre Program is hosting its mainstage production of Lost Girl by Kimberly Belflower, will perform on April 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12.

Tickets for non-Trinity events:

Visit  Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra or call 708/481-7774 for tickets.
Visit Southwest Symphony Orchestra or call 708/802-0686 for tickets.
Visit Magical Keys or call 708/567-3422 for more information.

Hotel information

Click here for information about area hotels.