Tenure Lecture: Dr. Michael Bosscher

Join us for the tenure lecture of Dr. Mike Bosscher. Tenure lectures are a celebration of the mature Christian scholarship of our faculty colleagues. When we celebrate these moments, we mark and extend our commitment to our core identity and mission as a College – and we rejoice at the gifted teacher-scholars in our midst!
Cross-Shaped Chemistry
In a world of complex problems, chemists claim solutions. How should what we have learned from past strategies frame our processes for the future? As Christians who are scientists engage with science, a particular call is placed on us to replace our goals with a process of worship. That call doesn’t stop with scientists, but extends into the public sphere, calling Christians also to responsible consumption of goods, discerning engagement with media, and worshipful engagement with public policy. We’ll talk about all that, but we’ll also get to talk about why our lab is starting to look like a kitchen.