Trinity psychology major Josiah Rosario recently participated in Northwestern University’s  Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN) and Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) programs.

Check out more about Josiah’s experience here.

Trinity psychology major Josiah Rosario recently participated in Northwestern University’s  Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN) and Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) programs.

Check out more about Josiah’s experience here.

Trinity psychology major Josiah Rosario recently participated in Northwestern University’s  Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN) and Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) programs.

Check out more about Josiah’s experience here.

Check out the History Department’s Facebook page here.

Dr. Schrotenboer maintains a blog about her work in ecology and the environment here.

Read more about Dr. Carlson’s research on his website.

More information about Dr. Bosscher and Dr. VanderWoude’s work can be found here.

To learn more about  Dr. Boomsma’s research interests, click here.

The class, Biol 210 Cadaver Dissection, represents a rare chance for undergraduate students to work with cadavers, according to Dr. Robert Boomsma ’77, professor of biology and department chair. “It’s a great opportunity for students,” he said. Learn more about this unique student experience.

With topics spanning biology, racial attitudes, autism, ethics, and more, 12 Trinity students and alumni were selected to present their work at the prestigious National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at the University of Memphis from April 6-8, 2017.

Learn more about the NCUR presentations.