Incoming Freshmen Follow Blueprints for the Future: Photogalleries


Friday GalleryOn Friday and Saturday, June 20 and 21, incoming freshmen began their Trinity adventure at Blueprints, the annual registration event. Blueprints provides a perfect opportunity for students to meet future roommates and professors, pick out that favorite study spot in the Bootsma Café, and praise God with fellow Christians.

Saturday GalleryFriday activities included a Chicago-style dinner; praise and worship; and games and movies late into the night. A highlight of the evening was a performance by Second City, Chicago’s premier comedy club and improv group.

Saturday began with the faculty-hosted breakfast, followed by one-on-one advising sessions with professors. At the Information Expo, students learned more about the variety of campus organizations, as well as local churches, banks, and businesses in the neighborhood. Students also attended sessions about the First Year Experience and Trinity’s thriving community life and enjoyed a BBQ lunch with their families.

Summer assignment: Stay connected on Facebook (/trinitychristiancollege) and Twitter (@trinitytroll).