Matching Students and Alumni with Careers
The Cooper Center’s new website puts all of these incredible resources at their fingertips.
The new website features a career road map that suggests a four-year plan for students. The website also provides access to job and internship listings, digital networking sites, and graduate school resources.
This year, the Cooper Center will also offer NACELINK, a one-stop online resource that connects students with recruiters, provides a more comprehensive resume builder, and integrates self-assessment into career portfolios.
On campus events hosted by the Cooper Center give students the opportunity for in-person, hands-on experience and include Interview Day, Career Fest, etiquette dinners, LinkedIn photo booths, and career and vocation-oriented workshops.
The Cooper Center is led by John Baldauff, who is passionate about serving students as they discover God’s direction in their educational and professional lives. Office Manager Robin Linhart assists students with resumes, answers questions regarding career information, and connects students with resources and career opportunities.