LaRosa Named College’s 26th Lincoln Laureate
Given to outstanding senior students from each of Illinois’ four-year, degree granting colleges and universities, the Student Laureate Award recognizes excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities.
LaRosa, a theology major with minors in philosophy and chemistry, has exhibited sincere commitment to community formation and sustainability. He held a Resident Assistant (RA) position last year in South Hall, the freshmen residence hall, and currently serves as an upperclassmen RA in Tibstra Hall. LaRosa is a member of the concert choir and has been a member of the men’s varsity soccer team and a staff writer for Trinity’s student newspaper. In the academic realm, LaRosa has been conducting collaborative research with Dr. Clayton Carlson, assistant professor of biology, for the past year.
Outside of Trinity, LaRosa stays active in his home congregation at Bloomingdale Church. He served as the summer intern working with the high school youth group and is currently a member of the missions committee. In the local community, LaRosa tutors students from Amos Alonzo Stagg High School who need extra assistance with math and science-related topics.
LaRosa’s two years of being an RA have included some of the most shaping experiences in his time at Trinity. “It’s amazing to see a group of young men develop friendships and form an identity as a residence hall floor,” he said. “Both years, I’ve watched my residents ‘glue’ together right away, sharing a commitment and willingness to be a part of a community.”
Being involved in and outside of the Trinity community has taught LaRosa something about himself that is transferrable to everything in life. “I’ve learned that who I am is deeply, intrinsically related to those around me,” LaRosa said. “God instilled a passion for people in me, and I’ve learned to depend on people who are driving forces in my life.”
LaRosa has plans to attend seminary and medical school in the future and hopes to work in reconciliation-focused missions. The feeling of moving on to the next phase, LaRosa said, is bittersweet.
“There are a lot of things I will miss about Trinity, and it essentially comes down to the people I’ve gotten to know in my time here,” he said. “Every day at Trinity is consistently good.”
At the convocation, LaRosa received a Student Laureate Medallion, accompanied by an honorarium check and certificate of achievement.
The Lincoln Academy, unique among the 50 states, was established 46 years ago to honor Illinois’ most distinguished citizens with the state’s highest award, the Order of Lincoln. The Annual Convocation and Investiture of Laureates of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois will take place Saturday, April 21, 2012, at the Illinois State Capital House Chambers in Springfield.
Trinity Christian College Lincoln Laureates
2011 – Alberto LaRosa
2010 – Joseph Wydra
2009 – Jonathan VanderWoude
2008 – Caitlin Fillmore
2007 – Elizabeth VanderSpek
2006 – Allison Backous
2005 – Erin Marshalek
2004 – Rachel Van Oort
2003 – Yvana Hansen
2002 – Evan VanderZee
2001 – Nate Bosch
2000 – Laurie Johnson
1999 – Hanna Vander Zee
1998 – Kristen Devine
1997 – Heidi Boeck
1996 – Julie Tinklenberg
1995 – Keri Dyksterhouse
1994 – Mark Mulder
1993 – Kristen Hart
1992 – Sarah Ver Velde
1991 – Aron Reppmann
1990 – Nathan Van Der Male
1989 – Drew Sweetman
1988 – Erik Hoekstra
1987 – Kimberly Dykema
1986 – Edward Wiener, Jr.