College Celebrates Completion of New Nursing Lab: Photogallery
Those attending the dedication ceremony included Sander, former and current faculty and administration, alumni, current students, and community members supportive of Trinity nursing education. A highlight of the event was the ribbon cutting ceremony led by Sander, President Steve Timmermans, Ph.D., and Nursing Student Organization President Dana Bush ’12 of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Located in the former computer lab space on the first floor of the Classroom Building, the state-of-the art addition contains two lab spaces for junior and senior students to practice the skills they are learning and two high-tech simulation labs. The simulation laboratories contain standard nursing equipment as well as high-fidelity simulation manikins, which can realistically exhibit nearly any symptom and are able to automatically respond to intervention. New offices accommodate more nursing faculty members hired to serve the rising number of nursing students.
“During the reception, those attending were amazed at the capabilities of the Sim Man 3G manikin, when he spoke, seized, and cried,” said Dr. Laurel Quinn, current chair of the nursing department. “His presence truly enhances the ability to teach and learn in the lab and will support the education of safe, competent, professional Christian nurses now and in the future, just as Dr. Sander envisioned.”
In this environment, nursing faculty can ensure that all students are exposed to the same broad range of nursing scenarios using actual medical equipment and are more thoroughly prepared for real-life clinical situations.
“Nursing students and faculty feel so blessed by the provision of the new lab facility and eagerly anticipate the high fidelity simulation learning opportunities that will support their clinical practice,” said Quinn. “The students are so positive, and there is a high energy level of excitement among those already using the new lab.”
The College is grateful to those who have pledged their financial support to this vital project.