A Dream Come True With Semester in Spain

Mary (Honey) Mathieu ’27

Many Trinity students dream of participating in the Semester in Spain program (SIS). The beautiful sites and opportunities to create memories while studying abroad in Spain make this adventure eagerly anticipated by students.

Spending the summer traveling and improving her Spanish speaking skills for a few weeks has been a dream come true for Trinity student Hannah Boundy. She has been preparing to study abroad in Spain since last fall by completing the necessary paperwork and application requirements. Boundy found the SIS program staff helpful throughout her experience: “They were very attentive and responsive and reminded students of deadlines.” Because of the help she received along the way, Boundy and her peers were able to enjoy an incredible summer semester in Spain.

Although Boundy has had a lot of favorite memories from her time in Spain, the memories all share the common element of developing meaningful relationships with those around her. One such memory involved singing and dancing with her host mother. Another was leading worship at the community’s weekly worship night, Encuentro, which she recalls favorably by sharing, “It is incredible seeing the Lord move in the hearts of students here. Whether that is during worship, a message, or a testimony, the Lord encouraged me throughout that time.” Even while studying abroad, students can further develop their relationship with the Lord, which can be an empowering experience, just as it has been for Boundy.

When asked what advice she would give to students considering studying abroad but unsure if they should, Boundy advises them to “take time to pray, fast, and see where the Lord wants you. If He wants you to study abroad, He will make it happen.”

The Semester in Spain program at Trinity has had another successful summer, and students like Hannah Boundy are grateful to create memories that will remain for a lifetime.

Click here to learn more about the Semester in Spain Program at Trinity Christian College.