Bosscher Reflects on Synod Experiences

As the Christian Reformed Church gathered for its annual synod in Grand Rapids, Mich., from June 7-14, Trinity’s Director of First Year Experience Emily Bosscher was there as an elder delegate from Hope Christian Reformed Church in Oak Forest, Ill.
“I loved being there, but it may have been the most exhausting week of my life!” said Bosscher. Safe church policies to help protect the vulnerable and prevent abuse of power in church communities; social justice issues; and the role of the church in political venues were among the topics discussed.
“We worshiped and prayed together, we cried together at times, we worked together to make wise decisions for the future of the Christian Reformed Church, and we learned from and with each other about the great diversity of God’s people,” she said “I am so impressed at the way that each year, a completely different group of church representatives can come together, but through church order and guidelines and a long history of established parliamentary procedure, we can find consistency through the ages and make decisions for the church of the future.”
Bosscher wasn’t the only person with a Trinity connection in attendance. She was joined as a representative from Classis Chicago South by Rev. Michael Kooy, an adjunct professor of philosophy at the College, and Rev. Tim Toeset, whose children attended the College.
Among other orders of business, the gathering also confirmed the candidacy of recent seminary graduates, including Trinity alum Chadd Huizenga ‘15.
While the experience was an intense one, Bosscher said she was happy to be part of it. “I have a whole new understanding of the organization and working of the denomination and how God works in organizations such as this to do His will year after year,” she said. “In the end, I was so blessed to be a part of this process.”
Click here to learn more about the decisions of Synod 2018.