Celebrating the Trinity Career of Sandy Aggen '10

The Trinity community gathered on Thursday to honor the retirement of Sandy Aggen ’10 from her position as Adult Programs Manager, after 13 years of faithful service to the College.
As a graduate of the adult business program, she has helped counsel and advise students navigating the ups and downs of finishing their bachelor’s degrees. She has served as both recruiter and advisor, but also as a mentor and teacher throughout the entire student journey at Trinity.
Her kind, energetic spirit and invaluable knowledge of the adult programs were lauded at the gathering in the Vermeer Fireside Room. Kathy Davis, Operations Manager for the adult business program and a long time co-worker of Aggen’s, remarked on her amazing achievement in helping more than 1,800 students begin classes in the adult programs. Education Program Director Sharon Price, Provost Aaron Kuecker, and Executive Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Jeremy Klynn, also spoke about Aggen’s impact across the Trinity community throughout the last 13 years.
She will remain a part of the Trinity community, as she continues teaching as an adjunct faculty member for the Communication Arts department next semester.
We wish her the best with all the wonderful things that will come next for her and her family and thank her for her steadfast service to our adult programs students over the years.