Christmas Greetings from Trinity Christian College

Dear Trinity Community,
Merry Christmas! The work that we do at Trinity finds its roots in the birth of Jesus that we celebrate in this season. In the birth of Jesus, we see with clarity that the God who created the heavens and the earth is a God who is not far off. In this mysterious birth, we see God’s commitment to be in and with the world God has created – a world that is, all at the same time, beautiful, troubled, and good. In the mystery of Jesus’ birth, we see that God’s way of power is a way that surprises, that is gentle, and that is marked by the self-giving that characterizes Jesus’ entire life, ministry, and death. And, in the coming of Jesus, we are welcomed into a story in which sin and brokenness are swallowed up by mercy and in which death is overcome by resurrection life. This season of Christmas is a beautiful memorial of the relentless love of God.
At Trinity, our hope and prayer is that we could be a Christian learning community whose vision is oriented by God’s deep love for the world. We hope that, in every academic discipline, our teaching and learning testifies to the ways that the engagement of biologists, accountants, teachers, nurses, social workers, counselors (to name just a few!) can join with God’s work to bring life, hope, and light to our world. At Trinity, our commitment to serve every student as well as we can is rooted in the incredible dignity that God ascribes to each person and the love manifest for each person in the coming of Jesus. At Trinity, our desire is that our imagination for what it means to be a good neighbor, working on some of the most stubborn challenges in higher education – like the elimination of student loan debt or innovative approaches to student wellbeing – would be shaped by the contours of Jesus’ story.
In this Christmas season, we have the opportunity to see anew the ways that the work of a Christian college is rooted in the overwhelming love of God. The birth of Jesus both motivates our work and reminds us that we do not work alone. God is with us. My prayer for each of you is that, as you reflect on Christ’s holy birth, you too would feel the ways that God’s coming near shapes your life and invites you to joy, trust, and a sense of your belovedness before God. May you experience that kind of deep peace – the peace that calls us forward to lives that join God’s desire to seek the good of others and of this wider world.
Merry Christmas from Trinity Christian College! Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our campus community and our students. We are grateful!
– President Aaron Kuecker