How Transfer Students Thrive at Trinity – A Student Perspective          

-Mary (Honey) Mathieu ‘27

As a transfer student with a quadruple major in criminal justice, English, social work, and psychology, I can attest to the many opportunities Trinity provides its students. School has always been my safe place, and Trinity has provided me with the academic rigor I had hoped for in my classes upon transferring, especially in Honors Program courses.

My classes challenge me in ways that I have never been challenged before. One of my favorite classes that I have taken at Trinity thus far is Restorative Justice with Dr. Connelly. In this course, we learn about restorative justice principles and practices, which will be extremely helpful for my future career as a social worker, advocate, and author who hopes to work in the child welfare field.

My favorite part about the College is its Wellbeing Wednesdays Initiative. I have struggled with my mental health, and having wellness promoted on campus was one of the major reasons I chose to transfer to Trinity. Having Wednesdays off from classes allows me to maintain a schedule filled with opportunities.

During my first semester here, I took advantage of the Co-Op Program, which allowed me to have a paid internship with Streetwise in Chicago. I have also worked as a Student Writer for the Marketing Department and as a Library Assistant. Regarding extracurriculars, I am the Co-President of the Criminal Justice Club and hope to soon start a Mental Health Club on campus. There are a lot of opportunities to get involved in on campus—you just have to find your place.

My story is unique as I decided to transfer after completing four years at my former institution. I took this leap of faith because I wanted a school that would help me grow academically, spiritually, and mentally. Finding God again in the little things has been a great joy as He is present through the multitude of weekly spiritual growth opportunities available on campus. I have also met incredible professors who walk faithfully with their students through their academic journeys and friends who are equally as passionate as I am about making a difference in the world.

Trinity is the place to be if you are looking for growth. The College challenges you in the best ways possible while still recognizing that growth requires support along the way. Faculty and staff have helped shape my experience as a Troll, as they truly see students as people, not numbers. This is why Trinity is special.