The Organ at Trinity Christian College Stars in the IPO Season Finale

The Ozinga Organ at Trinity Christian College will be showcased on May 17, 2025, as the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Stilian Kirov, closes its 47th season. Renowned organist Peter Richard Conte, one of this era’s most admired orchestral organists, is the featured organist. Conte, the fourth Wanamaker Grand Court Organist, presides over the world’s largest fully functioning musical instrument at Macy’s Center City in downtown Philadelphia. His IPO performance of Organ Concerto by Francis Poulenc will be a highlight of the evening.
Dedicated in 2003, the Ozinga Organ, built by the James Lauck Pipe Organ Company of Otsego, Michigan, consists of three manuals, 48 ranks, and 37 registers. The console sits on a moveable platform, allowing it to be placed on the center or left stage. This showcases the instrument for Trinity and the southside music groups that call Ozinga Chapel their performance home.
Trinity guests will receive $20 off per ticket for up to two tickets for this special event when using the code TRNTYMAY25 for seats in the gold, silver, or bronze levels. In addition, guests with these select seats are invited to a pre-concert reception and optional lecture with Peter Richard Conte.
Click here to secure your discounted tickets. The concert begins at 7:30 pm in Ozinga Chapel on the campus of Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois.
To learn more about the Organ Spectacular, visit: