Sabor Latino Leads Hispanic Heritage Month Activities

–By Patricia Yang ‘25
On a cool October afternoon, as the sun peeks out between the clouds, Trinity Christian College’s campus is nice and quiet—save for the spot tucked behind the Tibstra Parking Lot. At The Shack, next to the Mail and Print Center, there is a food truck, tables and chairs. A vibrant blue piñata swings from a wooden beam, while speakers resound with upbeat music. There’s dancing, food, musical chairs, and a lot of laughter. It’s Hispanic Heritage Month, and the Sabor Latino Club has come forth to celebrate this at Trinity with all its might!
Even before the pandemic, the club had been inactive. Yet after a period of dormancy, the members of Sabor Latino are back. Now that things have returned to a more normal state after the pandemic hit, the club is eager to step back into the light. Sabor Latino desires to invite all of Trinity to come experience and learn about the Hispanic culture. Melissa Ballesteros ‘24, president of Sabor Latino, said, “We hope to have events that teach people, ‘Oh, this is the type of things Latinos do,’ as well has having fun together and joining and thinking.” This Hispanic Heritage Month event was that big first step into that.
This was the first time in Sabor Latino’s history to celebrate Hispanic heritage as a club and with everyone on campus. “So far it hasn’t been done in the past years,” said Ballesteros. A big smile grew on her face as she continued, “But we’re trying to start that.”
The members of the club are eager to become more visible to Trinity again. “I saw people wanting to actually learn about our culture, which is something really inspirational!” said Ballesteros.
Near the end of the event, everyone gathers round the blue piñata. “Our favorite thing to do is laugh,” said Ballesteros, with a laugh of her own. As people become dizzy striking at the piñata and sticks break off one by one in comical fashion, there is no denying that. The piñata breaks at last and the candy all flies out. People joke and chatter happily with one another, and the music continues to play loudly in the background.
Sabor Latino is excited to express its culture, and that is what it did with this event and is eager to invite all of Trinity to come along. “We’re all a big family in the end!”
Find out more about Sabor Latino by following its Instagram page or emailing the president of Sabor Latino at