Student Art on Display at CRC Synod

Jul 08, 2024

– Mary (Honey) Mathieu ’27

Trinity student, Hope McIntosh, was selected as the Artist for Worship at this year’s Christian Reformed Church’s Synod. Her art was featured in the Synod’s worship services, projections, and printed materials, among others. This is an amazing accomplishment by yet another wonderful Trinity student!

McIntosh is a senior student who is majoring in Studio Art with a Christian Ministry minor. She is originally from Kansas City and loves to see her faith shine through her artwork. The art piece selected is a plant image that resembles God and His steady presence. The biblical truth that God does not leave or forsake His children is reflected in Hope’s work for Synod. This is a powerful message for all believers.

Through her time at Trinity thus far, Hope has made a tremendous impact on the lives of those who are blessed to know her. She is a joyful presence on campus and is an inspiration to her peers. Her artwork attests to her faithful diligence. As a Christian college, Trinity is proud to see students using their talents for good. Sharing her faith journey through art, McIntosh sets an example of what it means to be a faithful steward to not only the Trinity Christian community but to the world at large.

Art classes at Trinity prepare students well to use their artistic gifts to give back to God and their communities. Professors continuously guide their students to become the best artists and people that they can be. This supportive learning environment, composed of passionate mentors, allows students to further grow their love for art while discovering more about themselves.

The College works hard to develop the whole student as they receive an education at Trinity. Using their gifts to further grow in the vocation God has called them to is one of the many ways students at Trinity receive a well-rounded education. Learning is not limited to the classroom, as all majors have numerous opportunities to network and publish their work on and off campus. Student growth through networking and personal discovery is strongly emphasized at Trinity because it better prepares students for the world.

Trinity is fortunate to have McIntosh as part of its community. The College is extremely proud of her as she uses her art for a greater purpose. Our students, like Hope, are extremely passionate and will go on to do great things in the world.