Trinity Holds 64th Annual Convocation

At the start of each fall semester, Trinity Christian College brings the community together for convocation, an event unlike any other on campus. Convocation is a time of gathering, where students, faculty, staff, and administrators are united to mark the beginning of the academic year. The 64th Annual Convocation, which took place on August 30th, was a rich time of prayer and worship in the Ozinga Chapel Auditorium with the convocation address given by the 2021-2022 Professor of the Year, Dr. Aron Reppmann.
Trinity Christian College President Dr. Aaron J. Kuecker welcomed the campus to the launch of another academic year. He reminded the students that they were surrounded by an abundance of love, by faculty, staff and by God. Kueker spoke of the good works ahead for this new year, for the wellbeing of each student as we embark on a new academic schedule with Wednesdays being open for students. He recalled to the community “it is really good to have you hear, you are in the right spot, and it is a privilege to welcome you here!” Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Jerome Douglas, opened in prayer for the new academic year, the students, and their flourishing.
Continuing the long-standing Trinity tradition, the college Professor of the Year, Dr. Aron Reppmann, delivered the Convocation address. Reppmann, Professor of Philosophy, dug deep into the question, Who Belongs? Anthony Reppmann `23 had the unique opportunity to introduce his father as this year’s convocation speaker.
Dr. Reppmann began by recalling his experiences over his years at Trinity and how he has seen growth and change for the good. Change that is still happening today, helping students to know that they belong here. He offered the heartfelt greeting to all students “Welcome home, to Trinity Christian College.”
Reppmann pointed to Trinity’s own, long, and rich mission statement for vision as to the belonging of each person here at The College. Stating, “Members of this community are to evaluate their lives in relation to God, to others and to all of creation – that means that you are not here to do something external or just to learn something, or to convey something to others or to simply do a job – you are to evaluate your life in relation to God, to others and to all of creation. We all belong at Trinity by continually evaluating our own lives within a rich network of relationships. Belonging means deep learning.”
Reppmann encouraged everyone to do something today, this week and this semester adding “Today, learn the names of everyone you encounter…this week, when you encounter something uncomfortable or unfamiliar, make a simple request ‘help me understand’…and this semester commit to your own belonging by finding your community to belong.”
At the close of the address, a time of prayer and worship was led by Pastor Erin Pacheco and Nicole Saint-Victor. Vice President for Student Success, Leah Fulton offered prayer, along with Professor Dr. Mario Guzman and Student Government Association President, Karen Jegadish `23.
Reverend Ben P. Snoek offered the benediction and ushered the community into a time of fellowship and refreshments outdoors in the quad amphitheater.