Trinity Theatre Presents "The Old Man and the Old Moon"

Have you ever wondered why the moon looks different every night? Well, then Trinity Theatre’s upcoming production, The Old Man and the Old Moon, is the perfect pastime for you! This folktale musical integrates acting, live music, shadow puppetry, and more to create an immersive and exciting theatre experience.
Originally produced by New York-based Pigpen Theater Company, The Old Man and the Old Moon is the tale of how the moon acquired its phases. As we are told by the character Matheson, “There was a time when the moon was always full. Not just once a month, mind you, but every single night. And how it came to be the way we know it now, well, that’s quite the story.” It is quite a story, and the audience can expect comical bantering, intense sword fighting, and songs of both love and loss throughout its retelling.
According to actor Ben Friesen ’17, “This play is over-stimulating in the best way. It has everything you could hope for, nothing you could expect, and something for everyone. It feels like a five-act epic beautifully spun into a continuous fable and strung together with music, puppetry, and every form of storytelling you can imagine. It’s been a huge process to undertake this production, but it’s been so rewarding and exciting to work on the individual pieces and begin to combine them and form the full picture of the show.”
Fellow actor Morgan Limback ’19, says of Old Man, “I love all the creativity that is going into the production. We are getting to work with shadow puppets, and it is amazing what we are able to do with them. I also really love the music. Pigpen is my favorite band, and it is fun to see where my favorite songs fit in the context of a show.”
Trinity Theatre hopes that songs from The Old Man and the Old Moon will become some of your favorites, too. Come out to see the show on April 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 13th, or 14th in the ArCC.
Tickets are available online here or by calling the Trinity Box Office at 708.293.4537.
–Emma Darcy ’19