Keeping The
Campus Safe
Campus Safety
Safety Tips
The Campus Safety and Security Department promotes: a safe campus environment, detection of fire and safety hazards, regulations and enforcement of parking and traffic on campus, coordination of local police support, and the implementation of emergency/alert plans. Although Trinity is a very safe place to be, just like anywhere, it’s important to be smart about safety. A few of the following tips and reminders will help keep you, your things, and your fellow community members at Trinity safe.
- Room doors should be locked at night and when the room is unoccupied.
- Valuable items such as stereos, audio equipment, cameras, desktop and laptop computers should be marked with engraving tools which can be provided by the security department at no charge.
- The majority of thefts that occur in residence halls happen when the residents are away with the door unlocked. Lock your door when you leave, even if it is just for a few minutes. Do not leave cash, credit cards, or checks in unlocked desks or cabinets.
- If you discover that your door or window does not lock properly contact maintenance at extension 4787 to report it.
- Don’t leave exterior doors propped open when they should be closed. If you find one open, close it. If you see a suspicious person on campus call Campus Security at extension 3722.
- Keep doors locked, even when you are in your residence. Do not allow anyone in until you know who the person is at your door. If the person claims to be an maintenance or utility worker, verify that by asking for identification. People who have legitimate reasons to be there will not refuse your request.
- If you have voice mail, do not put your name on your recording.
- When out in public, walk with confidence; thieves often target those who appear hesitant or are unsure of themselves.
- When walking to your vehicle or residence have your keys ready so you will spend as little time as possible stopped at the door.
Fire Safety is of paramount importance to everyone in the College community. In order to adequately safeguard lives, in the event of a fire all parties are required to evacuate the building, closing room doors behind them. Once outside, all individuals must move away from the building entrances. All fire alarms are presumed to be real. Residents are not to re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the Fire Department, a Security Officer, or members of the Residence Life staff.
The following are prohibited in the residence halls:
- Candles (even for decoration) and potpourri burners
- Storage of flammable material (including charcoal and lighter fluid)
- Fireworks
- Halogen Lamps
- Storage that impedes access to rooms
- Microwave ovens
- Space heaters
Lost & Found
Campus Safety & Security is the central repository for lost and found items on campus. If you find something on campus which may belong to someone else you may turn it into Campus Safety where it will be inventoried and kept. If you lost something on campus, you may contact Campus Safety to report the item lost and it will be noted along with your contact information in case the item is turned into Campus Safety as found.
Crime Prevention
It is the goal of the campus safety and security department to prevent crimes from occurring, rather than reacting to them after the fact. In order for a crime to take place, three things must be present: desire, ability, and opportunity. Crime prevention and safety programs are based on the concept of eliminating or reducing the opportunities for crime. Trinity Christian College encourages students, faculty, and staff to be responsible for their own security and the security of others by being aware and reducing the opportunities for crime to occur.
Prevention programs that are available to support those safety measures are:
- Escort Service- availability of officers to accompany students and staff walking on campus during hours of darkness
- Rape awareness and self-defense programs
- Special alerts if circumstances warrant notification of crimes that would pose a threat to the college community.
- Security phones and cameras are located at various locations throughout the campus.
- Fire evacuation drills and Tornado drills are done throughout the school year.
- Bicycle Registration is available to deter theft and aid in the recovery of lost or stolen bicycles.
- Personal safety information is handed out at new student orientations.
- Printed and video prevention materials are available from Campus Safety & Security pertaining to crime prevention tips and other safety information
- Crime prevention tips and other safety inform
- SEE SOMETHING…..SAY SOMETHING Campaign encourages students and staff to report suspicious activity to Campus Safety.
Additionally, the college seeks to maintain a campus which reduces the opportunities and likelihood of crime by the following measures:
Access Control on Residence Halls– All residence halls have electronic access controls on the exterior door entrances.
Residence Life / Security Patrols– Security staff conduct premise checks in all residence halls during the evening hours, and residence life staff performs checks until 1am on weekends.
Lighting– Trinity has an extensive exterior lighting system throughout campus. Problems with exterior lighting should be reported immediately to the Physical Plant office at 239-4788 or 4789.
General Maintenance– Any problems or damaged doors or window locks which pose a security issue should be reported to the Physical Plant office at 239-4788 or 4789.
Classroom Shelter in Place– All classrooms have the ability to be locked from the inside of the classroom should a shelter-in-place situation arise.
Security Cameras- The college utilizes numerous security cameras in public spaces on campus.
Blue Light Emergency Phones – Emergency phones are located at various locations on campus for use in the case of emergencies or for requesting escorts. The phones are connected directly to the Department of Campus Safety and Security.
Emergency Notification System – A campus-wide broadcast system which allows the Department of Campus Safety and Security to advise the campus community about emergency situations or service interruptions. The system broadcasts messages to every building on the college campus.
Facilities and campus grounds are maintained in a manner that minimizes hazardous and unsafe conditions. Campus Safety regularly patrols the campus and reports malfunctioning lights and other unsafe conditions. Other members of the campus community are also encouraged to report unsafe or equipment issues to the Physical Plant or the Department of Campus Safety and Security.
- + Summary
It is the goal of the campus safety and security department to prevent crimes from occurring, rather than reacting to them after the fact. In order for a crime to take place, three things must be present: desire, ability, and opportunity. Crime prevention and safety programs are based on the concept of eliminating or reducing the opportunities for crime. Trinity Christian College encourages students, faculty, and staff to be responsible for their own security and the security of others by being aware and reducing the opportunities for crime to occur.
- + Safety Programs
Prevention programs that are available to support those safety measures are:
- Escort Service- availability of officers to accompany students and staff walking on campus during hours of darkness
- Rape awareness and self-defense programs
- Special alerts if circumstances warrant notification of crimes that would pose a threat to the college community.
- Security phones and cameras are located at various locations throughout the campus.
- Fire evacuation drills and Tornado drills are done throughout the school year.
- Bicycle Registration is available to deter theft and aid in the recovery of lost or stolen bicycles.
- Personal safety information is handed out at new student orientations.
- Printed and video prevention materials are available from Campus Safety & Security pertaining to crime prevention tips and other safety information
- Crime prevention tips and other safety inform
- SEE SOMETHING…..SAY SOMETHING Campaign encourages students and staff to report suspicious activity to Campus Safety.
- + Safety Measures
Additionally, the college seeks to maintain a campus which reduces the opportunities and likelihood of crime by the following measures:
Access Control on Residence Halls– All residence halls have electronic access controls on the exterior door entrances.
Residence Life / Security Patrols– Security staff conduct premise checks in all residence halls during the evening hours, and residence life staff performs checks until 1am on weekends.
Lighting– Trinity has an extensive exterior lighting system throughout campus. Problems with exterior lighting should be reported immediately to the Physical Plant office at 239-4788 or 4789.
General Maintenance– Any problems or damaged doors or window locks which pose a security issue should be reported to the Physical Plant office at 239-4788 or 4789.
Classroom Shelter in Place– All classrooms have the ability to be locked from the inside of the classroom should a shelter-in-place situation arise.
Security Cameras- The college utilizes numerous security cameras in public spaces on campus.
Blue Light Emergency Phones – Emergency phones are located at various locations on campus for use in the case of emergencies or for requesting escorts. The phones are connected directly to the Department of Campus Safety and Security.
Emergency Notification System – A campus-wide broadcast system which allows the Department of Campus Safety and Security to advise the campus community about emergency situations or service interruptions. The system broadcasts messages to every building on the college campus.
- + Maintenance
Facilities and campus grounds are maintained in a manner that minimizes hazardous and unsafe conditions. Campus Safety regularly patrols the campus and reports malfunctioning lights and other unsafe conditions. Other members of the campus community are also encouraged to report unsafe or equipment issues to the Physical Plant or the Department of Campus Safety and Security.
Reporting A Crime
All crime victims and witnesses are encouraged to accurately and promptly report any crime they may see or are a victim of whether that crime occurs on campus or at another location. Reports of crime are filed voluntarily by victims and witnesses of crimes, and the identity of the victims and witnesses can remain confidential, in most cases, if desired. All reported crimes are included in the college’s annual crime statistics that are submitted to the United States Department of Education and published in the Annual Security Report.
To report a crime in progress or emergency on campus:
- Dial 9-9-1-1 from campus phones to contact the Palos Heights Police and Fire Departments, or paramedics (EMS) in an emergency. Dial 9-1-1 from any other phone, including cell phones.
- Persons using the Schaaf Athletic Complex on Cal-Sag Rd. (Rt. 83) should call the Alsip Police and Fire Departments or EMS by dialing 9-1-1.
- Persons participating in the Chicago Semester and Adult Studies – Chicago Programs in Chicago, IL should call the Chicago Police and Fire Departments (EMS) by dialing 9-1-1.
- Students or employees who are victims of crimes, or other emergencies, located at off-campus facilities or during off-campus activities at other locations, m campus should report the crime to the local law enforcement authority where the crime occurred. Generally, 9-1-1 is the emergency telephone number for law enforcement agencies, fire departments and paramedic services in Illinois.
- After calling emergency first responders, the Department of Campus Safety and Security should be called at ext. 3722 from a campus phone or 708-239-3722 from a cell phone or non-campus phone. Our Campus Safety staff will assist local emergency services in responding to the incident on campus, so it is imperative that they are advised of the situation immediately.
To report a crime or other incident that has been committed on campus, victims and/or witnesses should contact Campus Safety at ext. 3722 or 708-239-3722 from a cell phone or non-campus phone. Campus Safety staff will assist the victim/witness in contacting the local law enforcement agency, if necessary or requested, and will also document the incident in a report. Students or employees who are victims of crimes located at off-campus facilities, off-campus programs or are victims of crime, or other emergency, away from campus should report the incident to the local law enforcement authority where the crime occurred.
A crime is “reported” when a victim or witness brings it to the attention of the local police agency or a Campus Security Authority. The Clery Act defines “Campus Security Authorities” to include an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings. This definition includes campus safety personnel, student services staff members (excluding the college chaplain and personal counselors, see below), residence life personnel (including AD’s and RA’s), the Athletic Director, team coaches, club advisors, student staff members when acting in their capacity as a college employee and any member of a Student Life Committee. These individuals are considered Campus Security Authorities and are required, for the purpose of documenting criminal activity, to report details of criminal activity to the Department of Campus Safety & Security.
Note: The positions and individuals who are considered Campus Security Authorities are, in most cases, also considered “responsible parties” for reporting incidents that violate Title IX mandates.
Crime victims’ needs for confidential counseling must be balanced with the need of the campus community to be made aware of incidents which may affect the personal safety of others and the feelings of a victims’ security and well-being. Those who disclose sexual misconduct must know that all Trinity Christian College employees (Residence Directors, Campus Safety Officers, staff members, faculty etc.), excluding Counseling Services Staff and the Chaplain & Dean for Spiritual Formation who may be bound by confidentiality standards, will report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator(s), or a designee of the Department of Campus Safety and Security. Employees also include student staff employed by the college when acting in their capacity as a student staff member. Staff members who hold a confidentiality relationship with a victim will disclose limited information to the Department of Campus Safety and Security that a specific type of crime took place so “Timely Warnings” may be disseminated to the campus community (if warranted) and also so the information may be included in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Information such as the victim’s name and specifics of the incident will be kept confidential if the victim so desires.
All inquiries, complaints, and investigations are treated with discretion. Identity of the complainant may be revealed to the respondent(s) of such conduct in certain cases in accordance with Title IX mandates.
Students, faculty and staff participating in Chicago Semester or the Adult Studies – Chicago Programs are directed to report crimes and other noteworthy incidents to their program coordinator, the Dean of Students, Trinity Christian College’s Department of Campus Safety and Security and the Chicago Police Department.
Students, faculty and staff participating in the Semester-In-Spain Program are directed to report crimes and other noteworthy incidents to their program coordinator, the Dean of Students, Trinity Christian College’s Department of Campus Safety and Security and the local police department in the country of Spain.
Trinity Christian College encourages “third-party” reporting of criminal activity, discrimination, harassment, abuse (including sexual abuse) and bullying. The college provides the Silent Witness link on the college campus safety website to anonymously report a crime or any incident involving any type of sexual misconduct, any student conduct violation, discrimination, harassment, and abuse or bullying to the Department of Campus Safety and Security.
In addition, Trinity Christian College encourages its faculty, staff and students to practice “bystander intervention”. “Bystander intervention” involves a person taking action to assist a victim when criminal activity, discrimination, harassment, abuse (including sexual abuse) and bullying occurs in the bystander’s presence and when intervention would not expose the third party to physical harm. “Bystander intervention” includes such actions as calling the police, the Department of Campus Safety and Security or a faculty/staff member while observing the incident from a safe distance or verbally interceding in the incident if the incident is non-violent. Bystanders should not expose themselves to physical harm in order to intercede in an incident.
Individuals who are victims of crime and do not want to pursue action through the college’s system or the criminal justice system are still encouraged to file a confidential report of the crime with the Department of Campus Safety and Security and/or with the local police department where the crime occurred. A report of a crime can be filed without disclosing a person’s identity. The purpose of the confidential report is to comply with the individual’s desire to remain anonymous, while also helping the Department of Campus Safety and Security and/or local law enforcement ensure the safety of the victim and other persons. Confidential information ensures accurate crime recording, assists in identifying crime patterns and alerts the campus community to potential danger. Crimes filed in this manner are tabulated and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for the college.
An “unfounded” crime is a finding that a crime, or attempted crime, did not occur. This finding is determined by a law enforcement agency after the crime is fully investigated. When a crime is determined to be “unfounded” it means that the investigation revealed the report of the crime was false or was baseless under the law. The determination that a crime is “unfounded” cannot be based on the following criteria:
- The value of property loss involved in the commission of a crime;
- Refusal of a victim to prosecute a crime;
- Law enforcement’s failure to make an arrest related to the crime;
- The prosecutor’s refusal to prosecute a criminal case
- Legal findings by judges or juries in civil or criminal court.
Unfounded crimes are not included in the annual crime statistics reported to the United States Department of Education, however Trinity Christian College does separately submit the number of “unfounded” crimes to the Department of Education and also includes the number of unfounded crimes in the college’s Annual Security Report.
Important Phone Numbers
Chicago Police & Fire Department Non-emergency
3.1.1 (in the City of Chicago)
Palos Heights Police Non-emergency
Palos Heights Fire/EMS Department Non-emergency
Alsip Police (Rt. 83 Sports Complex) Non-emergency
Palos Community Hospital
Security Dispatch Office (24 hour)
Tibstra Hall – Front Lobby
708-239-3722 or extension 3722
Thomas Kazen
Director of Campus Safety & Security
Tibstra Hall; Suite 25
Annual Crime and Safety Report
The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Clery Act, mandates that certain data be published on an annual basis by each institution of higher education in the United States. This data is to include statistics pertaining to specific crimes that are reported to have occurred at the institution and the security measures that are in place to reduce the risk of criminal victimization for members of the campus community. The annual report will provide crime statistic information for the past three calendar years.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA); Section 485(i) otherwise known as the “Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Act” also requires the inclusion of an annual fire safety report which is incorporated into this document.
Students, faculty and staff participating in off-campus programs (Chicago Semester and Semester-In-Spain) are directed to see their program coordinator in order to familiarize themselves with any emergency or evacuation procedures in place at the location where the program is held since the procedures in place at those locations may change without notice. Students can always contact their program coordinator, the Dean of Students, Trinity Christian College’s Department of Campus Safety and Security or the local police to report a crime, report misconduct, seek information or obtain assistance.
In compliance with these requirements, Trinity Christian College presents the following information to all students, employees, and applicants to the college. The college will also make available the annual security report to prospective employees and students via the website.
Safety FAQ
Trinty has multiple methods of emergency notification incorporated in its emergency plan, and depending on the circumstances the college will determine the best means of communicating an emergency notification.
In the event of an emergency requiring immediate action to be taken such as a tornado, or severe weather warning or crime on campus, an emergency message will be broadcast over the Emergency Notification System (ENS) public address system in each building. This system will inform you of the emergency and advise you what actions you need to take. Emergency messages can also be broadcast over the text messaging system students, faculty and staff can sign up for, email messages can also be sent over the Trollweb email system and, announcements and information can be detailed on the Trinity homepage “Campus Status” link.
No, there are not, however, we know that any type of crime can occur on campus as we are not exempt from crime. We ask students to take responsibility for their own personal safety and be aware of their surroundings not only on campus, but also when they are off campus. We also ask residential students to lock their rooms when they are not there, in an effort to reduce the opportunity for someone to take their property when they are not around. It is the easiest thing to do to reduce the opportunity to become a victim.
If you are a student you must register your vehicle. It can be done online at the link on the Trollweb menu.
All students attending Trinity regardless of how many credit hours you are taking, must register their vehicles.
Please refer to the link “Where can I park?” on the campus Parking & Vehicles website menu. Note that there are certain parking lots designated for faculty & staff which do not allow students to park there during the week. You cannot go wrong parking your car in the parking lot behind the maintenance building (lot H ) as it is a 24/7 student lot. Please acquaint yourself with the lot restrictions to avoid a parking ticket.
Since there is no overnight parking in the north side of the chapel lot, there usually are spaces available there. Parking is usually available in the parking lot of the Bootsma Bookstore Café (BBC) from 6 am – midnight.
No, student overnight parking is only allowed on the west side of the chapel and not on weekends. Overnight is considered from 1am – 6am.
In order to accommodate weekend events at the chapel, students may not park in the chapel lot from 5 p.m. on Friday through 9 p.m. on Sunday. In order to accommodate those vehicles moved from the Chapel lot, students are allowed to park in the West Hall and Tibstra lots from 5 p.m. on Friday – 9 p.m. on Sunday.
No, if you do you will receive an automatic $50.00 charge for a second semester registration. You need to come to the security office (Tibstra Hall suite 25) during the day M-F and receive your senior sticker for a cost of $15.00 once we verify with the registrar’s office that you have the required 90 hours of credit.
Do something…..don’t just think it will go away! You can pay the ticket at the downstairs Business office (on the first floor of the Administration Building) or you have 10 days in which to file an appeal to the Ticket Appeal Committee. The committee meets weekly to consider all of the appeals and you will be contacted via email to let you know of their decision. If you do nothing with your ticket the fine will double after the 10 days and the fine will automatically be added onto your account at the business office.