Campus Ministry Leadership Opportunities

Campus Ministry Leadership Opportunities

Time Requirements

Chapel Interns: 3-5 hours per week
Outcry Leaders: 4-7 hours per week
Spiritual Life Coordinators: 6-8 hours per week

Team Size

4 Hall Spiritual Life Coordinators
1 TAG Coordinator
3-4 Chapel Interns
3 Outcry Leaders

Here’s our mission—and how you can fit into it!

Trinity Christian College takes seriously its identity as a faith-based institution of higher education. As a Christian college in the Reformed tradition, Trinity values both information and formation. The Chaplain’s Office wants to create spaces where students can explore their faith, wherever they find themselves in their spiritual journey, and grow to become more like Jesus—and we enlist the work of student leaders to accomplish this hard, but holy, task. To this end, the Chaplain’s Office presents these important and exciting opportunities for peer spiritual leadership in the upcoming academic year. Are you ready to join us as we partner with the Spirit?

These are the leadership positions offered for Campus Ministries:

What are we looking for in a Campus Ministries leader?

The most successful Campus Ministries leaders are highly motivated, emotionally mature, administratively competent, curiously creative, and spiritually growing. Others would say that you are reputable, reliable, mature, virtuous, teachable, and humble. That doesn’t mean you need to have all of these skills perfected or need to be super “on fire for Jesus.” We are asking, instead, that how you express your faith in Christ is authentic, meaningful, and contagious. We want to see signs of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23) evident and growing as you witness to the redemptive work of God’s grace in your life.

Being a student leader is a tremendous responsibility, and being a spiritual leader further compounds what we expect of those who serve in Campus Ministries. If one of these opportunities sounds like something you might feel God is leading you toward, we invite you to prayerfully consider whether you should apply for an on-campus spiritual leadership position. If we can help in your discernment, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Ben or Pastor Erin!

Spiritual Life Coordinator

Campus Ministries is seeking to hire Spiritual Life Coordinators (SLCs) who integrate the work of peer-led ministry throughout campus. Because spiritual formation is happening all around us—not only in chapel—we partner deeply and intentionally throughout the campus to join in what God is already doing at Trinity.

The Hall Spiritual Life Coordinators attend to the spiritual needs of our four residence halls. It involves leading discipleship programming and engaging in relational ministry. We are looking to hire 4 Hall SLCs (1 per hall).

Chapel Intern

Worship leadership is not just music! At Trinity, we assume a generous view of worship leadership that includes all aspects of service planning and administration, as well as musical and/or vocal leadership. Campus Ministries is seeking to hire worship leaders who exemplify a commitment to communal worship on Trinity’s campus. These leaders will embody the best of the traditions represented in our community, creatively coming together to cultivate a culture of worship that is unique to Trinity.

Chapel is an opportunity for the entire campus to gather for worship, in ways that challenge and grow our faith. While we remain historically rooted in the Reformed tradition, we seek to cultivate a culture of worship that is welcoming to a wide range of Christian traditions and expressions. Our services, preachers, and worship leaders represent a beautiful cross-section of denominational backgrounds and cultural experiences. We are looking to grow our team of students to help us plan and lead worship that is biblically faithful, spiritually sensitive, and culturally responsive.

Outcry Leader

Outcry is an hour-long worship service planned and led entirely by student leaders. Music leads the way, enriched by prayer and Scripture. The result is a wonderful experience of communal spiritual fellowship for the student body. We are looking to grow our team of student leaders to steward this important opportunity for encountering God in worship. We expect that Outcry leaders have the ability to lead worship vocally, preferably also from an instrument. Preference is given to upperclassmen and to those who have previously served in a Campus Ministries leadership position (SLC, Chapel Intern, Outcry or chapel team member).

TAG Coordinator

The TAG Coordinator oversees the weekly programming of the Trinity Athletes Gathering (TAG), including assembling a volunteer student spiritual leadership team and executing the ministry. Preference is given to past or present student-athletes and to those who have participated in the work of the Trinity Athletes Gathering (TAG).

Meet the Supervisors

For more information about these positions or the department, please contact these supervisors.