Multicultural Engagement
Leadership Opportunities
Multicultural Engagement Leadership Opportunities
Team Size
Multicultural Leadership Committee Chairperson: 1 role
Presidents of Cultural Organization: 4 roles (1 for each cultural organization)
VPs of Cultural Organization: 8 roles (2 for each cultural organization)
Explore your leadership opportunities
Multicultural Leadership Team
This team is the assembly of the cultural organizations’ presidents, led by the multicultural leadership committee chairperson. The goal of this group is to organize larger campus-wide events, create collaboration across cultural organizations, and discuss matters/student concerns that are brought to the attention of cultural presidents that affect all cultural groups represented and not represented in the committee. The chairperson will be asked to lead this group of presidents in all matters required of the committee. You can find the job description of the Multicultural Leadership Committee Chairperson in the link below.
Service Leadership Team
This unique team of student leaders provides leadership to student service groups and plans, provides, and pursues community service projects that engage the student body. The goal for this group is to plan and provide monthly service opportunities for the community. Some of those activities include, but are not limited to, the annual Spring Break Serve Trip and Love Palos. In addition, they help support other Student Engagement service initiatives.
Cultural Organization Teams
The leaders of multicultural organizations will be asked to create safe spaces and serve as a voice for the students identified in their cultural affinity groups. The cultural leadership teams will consist of one President and two Vice Presidents for each cultural organization. For more details, job descriptions for each cultural organization are in the links below.
Meet the Supervisor
For more information about these positions or the department, please contact the supervisor.